I started teaching, as I believe many architects have, to supplement a small professional practice. Nevertheless, as teaching became my full-time occupation, I maintained a modest output of “built works” in the UK and Canada.

I would like to think, regardless of their merit, they illustrate the ideas that became the basis of my teaching work. They span a period of fifty years. The first house illustrated was made for my parents in 1955 while the last house, built with Tony Belcher, is still an on-going project.

The café was a project initiated by Val Mould Farrell. It became a kind of group project to which Bart Szoke, Tony Belcher, Val and I lent our various skills. It did not survive—neither did Stacks Cottage (it has been encumbered with several unsympathetic additions) and 52 Playter Boulevard (it has been remodelled by new owners).

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