with Ken Wheeler & Larry Grinnell in the studio, Avery Hall, Columbia, (1964-65)
photo: Tyler Smith
Making this website coincided with the first anniversary of the “Trip” dinner at Grano which launched the PP Fund. One year after the event I collected photographs given to me as souvenirs of that memorable occasion. To these I added photographs from my archive—of people, events, places and things that have influenced me as an architect and teacher, all of which lead, directly and indirectly, to the “Trip” and the Fund! Yet another year later (January 2012) I have updated some information about the Fund, added some pictures and included details of a new book.
To those who have already contributed to the Fund, I thank you. I hope this record gives point to your generosity, just as I hope it may nudge others who have thought to make a contribution to do so. It’s never too late: go to the next page for the Faculty’s contact information and the mailing address. Send it off, with a cheque enclosed to benefit yet-to-be architecture students at U of T.